How to stop your dog from running away?

Here is a simple FarmVille trick to stop your puppy from running away to the pound everyday.

FarmVille Puppy Trick: How to stop your puppy from running away?
In order to stop your FarmVille Puppy from running away, all you have to do is to put inside a closed area similar to the one in which many players have placed their farmers. If you are not familiar with this idea, then simply prepare a closed area using 4 fences (or anything else) and put your FarmVille puppy inside.
It will stay with you forever!!!

FarmVille Puppies are growing now!!!

If you have fed your FarmVille Puppy for the past 14 days, then now is the time to witness the fruits of your hard work.

Your well fed FarmVille Puppies have transformed into adults after enjoying kibble for 14 days. Adult FarmVille dogs are able to perform fun tricks and actions that can help you out on the farm.

FarmVille Terrier Puppy has been released for 5,000 Coins only

FarmVille has released its 2nd Coin Puppy yesterday. Its a Terrier and can be bought for only 5,000 Coins.

Like all other puppies, you are required to feed him kibble for 14 days to transform it into a beautiful grown up FarmVille Dog.

The only requirement to buy this beautiful Puppy in FarmVille is to have 15 or more neighbors in the game. However, there is a limit to have only 1 Terrier Puppy on your farm.

Have you bought your FarmVille Terrier Puppy? Do you like it?

Official FarmVille Podcast: 9 April 2010

Here you can listen to the latest FarmVille Podcast as released on 9 April 2010.

You can also read the complete transcription of the FarmVille Podcast here:-
Official FarmVille Podcast Transcription – 9 April 2010.

Hey Farmers! Welcome to the Official FarmVille podcast! My name is Lexilicious, and I am the FarmVille Community Manager. This week, we are going to be going over some of our newest releases, I will be answering some User Submitted Questions about the FarmVille team and you guys are all going to get a sneak peek of things coming to FarmVille in the near future.

FarmVille Recent Releases. Well, as I am sure most of you know, this week was absolutely jam packed with releases. From our new Far East Limited Edition items to brand spanking new features and content, the FarmVille team was really looking to impress this week. 

Re-released Old Limited Edition Items. Due to popular demand, early this week we brought back some of our old Limited Edition items as permanent fixtures in the Market, including favorites like the Clydesdale and the Blue Gazing Ball. Our Far East Limited Edition set also kicked off this week featuring some very cool new animals, decorations and even crops. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more great Far East Limited Edition items to add to your farm. We also added a total of 4 new Co-op missions for everyone, including Frantic for Flowers, Stirring things up, Very Berry Field Trip and Tossing Tomatoes.

Duck-Themed Mystery Box. As per usual a new Mystery Box made an appearance this week, featuring some “duck” themed items. Remember, Mystery Boxes can be purchased from the market for 16 Farm Cash. If you are interested in this Ducky Mystery Box, make sure to grab it before it disappears early next week. 

FarmVille Puppies Released. And lastly, this week heralded the release of the long awaited Pets feature! The response from our community about the new puppies has been enormous and we would like to thank you for all of your feedback and opinions the past few days. I have also noticed that there was some initial confusion about how the puppies worked, so I am going to go ahead and give a quick run-down on this feature, which should alleviate any questions or concerns some of you may have.

Puppies can be purchased from the Market for either Farm Cash or coins. Your new puppy will follow you wherever you go, and will eventually become a full grown dog! 

You can purchase the Red Border Collie for 300,000 Coins from the Market. Currently, this is the only breed and color that can be purchased for coins. If you change the color or breed, you will be charged Farm Cash for your purchase. When you click Buy, a pop-up will appear, letting you know that you’ll need to feed your puppy every day in order to keep it from running away. Clicking Okay on this pop-up will take you to the Puppy Customization screen.

At this point, you can pick a Name and gender for your puppy. Once you’re ready to purchase your Red Border Collie, click the Buy button. You’ll receive a popup reminding you to feed your puppy Kibble once every 24 hours, or it will run away.

Once your puppy is placed on your farm, it will run up to you with a thought bubble over its head with Kibble inside. This means that your puppy is hungry and needs kibble!

There is a reason for the numerous pop-ups telling you to feed your pup. In order to keep your puppy from going to the pound, you’ll need to feed it Kibble once every 24 hours for a period of 14 days. Now, there are a few ways you can get Kibble for your furry friend. You can purchase kibble from the Market for 5 Farm Cash or you can ask your friends to send you kibble.

Clicking the “Ask Your Friends” button will give you the option to post a feed that if clicked, will allow three of your neighbors send you one bag of Kibble each. This feed remains active for up to 24 hours, or until three neighbors have clicked it. Each neighbor that helps you will receive 100 Coins.

All Kibble you receive (whether from Neighbors or from the Market) will automatically go into your Gift Box.

To view the status of your puppy, simply mouseover your pet, and you’ll see how many times out of 14 that they’ve been fed. If they’re currently hungry, you’ll see how much time you have before they run away. If they’ve already been fed once for the day, you’ll see a timer showing how long you have before they’re hungry again.

Now, if you are a neglectful owner and forget to feed your puppy, they’ll end up in the pound, and you’ll need to pay to get them out. When you enter FarmVille after your puppy’s run away, there will be an icon in the upper-left hand corner of your screen with a puppy behind bars. Once you click on this icon, you’ll receive a pop up informing you that your puppy is in the pound.

From the Pets section of the Market, you will have to pay 3 Farm Cash to free your puppy from the pound.

Remember that you may only have one Coin purchased puppy. That means that if your puppy goes to the pound, you cannot purchase another Coin puppy. You’ll have to retrieve your original puppy from the pound or purchase a new Puppy from the Market with Farm Cash.

Now, if you don’t want to deal with the stress of a Coin Puppy, you can buy the Golden Retriever, Sheep Dog, and Border Collie for 65 Farm Cash Each. Each Puppy has the option for three different colors, along with the same options as the Coin Option puppy. The Cash puppy also comes with a 2 weeks supply of Kibble.

You may purchase as many Farm Cash puppies as you want, and they will not run away if they are not fed.

And remember Farmers… eventually, all puppies, if well taken care of will become full grown dogs in the future!

Alright, well that’s about it for features this week. As always, if you have an opinion, feedback or question you would like to share with the FarmVille team please make sure to visit the official farmville forums or

On that note, let’s go ahead and get into answering some questions from the FarmVille Community!

FarmVille User Submitted Questions. Our first question comes to us from Gillmoor, and they’re worried about a pair of puppies. They apparently have to take their real puppy to the vet and are worried they won’t be able to make it back to their farm in time to feed their new FarmVille puppy. Since this has been a pretty heated topic, and Gillmoor’s not the only person to ask about it, I thought it’d be a good idea to explain the timing for feeding your puppy. Once you buy and place your puppy, this starts a counter of 24 hours from the point they’re on your farm. That means you have 24 hours from that point to feed him before he or she runs away. Once you feed your puppy, you have the rest of that 24 hours before they become hungry again. So let’s say that your puppy gets hungry and you wait 8 hours to feed it? Once you feed it, you’ve got 16 hours before it gets hungry again. Once it gets hungry, you’ve got another 24 hours to feed it before it runs away. Hopefully, that clears things up.

Our next question comes to us from, Highdef2005 who’d like to know if there’s a specific place to find our Podcasts other than the FarmVille Fan Page? Well, Highdef, currently all of our podcasts are hosted on Youtube and can be found at That’s our Youtube page where you can find all of previous podcasts, and check for new ones as soon as they’re added.

Our last question comes to us from Crypstal, who was wondering if I have a Farm and if I could show it off. I do indeed have a farm, and I’d be happy to let all of you see it. Just search for Lexi Smith on Facebook to find my account and send me a friend request. I’ll be more than happy to add you as a neighbor so you can check out my Farm. Now, my farm is nowhere near as awesome as some of our users, even with all the free stuff. I’m just not creative as you guys! But, I would still be more than happy to add members of the FarmVille Community. 

Battle of the Barnyard. In other news, the Battle of the Barnyard’s still going strong! If you weren’t already aware, the Cows and Sheep of FarmVille are crossing hooves over whose Secret Animal will be revealed in the Market. Just go to Facebook and search for either FarmVille Cows or FarmVille Sheep to visit their respective Fan Pages, and show your support by becoming a Fan of your favorite animal. The first Fan Page to reach 2 Million Fans will have their Secret Animal unlocked in the Market and available to purchase for 12 Farm Cash! As of the recording of this podcast, the Cows for a Brighter FarmVille are currently leading the Honored Society of the Illustrious Flock by over 250,000 votes with just under 700,000 Fans to go before they reach 2 Million.

To cast your vote, search for FarmVille Cows or FarmVille Sheep and be sure to check out their Info section of each one for a special message, as well as more information on the Battle.

SNEAK PEAK INTO FUTURE OF FARMVILLE. As I mentioned earlier in the Podcast, your new puppies will grow up into dogs if they are well cared for. For this week’s coming soon segment, I also have some additional information about Pets that you guys might find interesting. 

In addition to fully grown pets performing special tricks, we will also be introducing new breeds of dog. Before this happens, we want to hear the feedback of our community. What breed of dog would you like to see come to farmville? If you have any ideas for new furry friends that you would like added to the game, please make sure to visit the FarmVille forums or www.farmville .com to have your say. 

You guys should also get ready to build a Nursery Barn for your Baby Foals and Calves. If you are interested, this new building will allow you to help your baby animals grow up into productive adults

And now that Co-op farming is finally out, a new “Instant Grow” consumable will be coming soon to help you guys accomplish your missions even faster. Make sure to keep an eye out for these new features in the near future.

Alright Folks, that’s it from me this week! I will be back next Friday to give all of you your latest FarmVille news and updates. Again, my name is Lexilicious and I will see you guys soon! Happy Farming everybody.”

FarmVille Update on 7 April 2010

Howdy Farmers!
Here is a little update with almost all the features released in latest FarmVille Update on 7 April 2010. You can click on the links to view exclusive details:-

Which feature/addition do you like the best?

FarmVille Puppies Released — Finally!!!

After teasing us for a long time with “FarmVille Coming Soon Loading Screen” and teasing us with “Different Prices for FarmVille Puppies“, Finally FarmVille Puppies have been released.

You can buy most of these FarmVille Puppies for 65 FV Farm Cash where as only one of these PuppiesFarmVille Border Collie Puppy can be purchased for 300,000 Coins. (Here is a chance to BUY ALL 3 FARMVILLE PUPPIES)

You can choose the name of your FarmVille Puppy and it is all willing to follow you around the farm.

These puppies will grow up to become FarmVille Dogs in 14 Days. But you must feed them for 14 days. The Puppies purchasable with farm cash bring their 14-day Puppy Kibbel with them, while the puppy purchasable with coins do not bring their food along.

If these FarmVille Puppies (Purchasable by Coins) are not fed properly, then they will run away and you will be able to get them back on your farm after paying 3 FV as a fine.

You can also choose the gender and color of your FarmVille Puppies. When you buy a FarmVille Puppy using coins, you will get one-day’s Puppy Kibble FREE in your FarmVille Gift Box.

You can find FarmVille Puppy Kibble from your Neighbors as a gift or you can also purchase Puppy Kibble from the Market as well but it can be bought only for FV Farm Cash.

Feed your Puppies for 14 days and help them grow into beautiful FarmVille Dogs.

Which FarmVille Puppy have you bought? Do you think that 65 FV is a HUGE amount to pay?

FarmVille Podcast – March 22nd, 2010

FarmVille Latest Podcast has been released on 22nd March, 2010 after a slight delay.  You can view the latest FarmVille Podcast here.

FarmVille Podcast’s Coming Soon Feature

  • Puppies or Dogs will be arriving in FarmVille next week.
  • Unique themed Animals Mystery Box featuring different Winged-Animals (or perhaps Birds)
  • Spring-Themed Features will be making their entry.
  • FarmVille will soon feature new challenges that you can complete with your friends for EXCLUSIVE rewards.

FarmVille Podcast Transcription – 22nd March, 2010
Hey Farmers! Welcome to the Official FarmVille podcast! My name is Lexilicious, and I am the FarmVille Community Manager. This week, we are going to be going over some of our newest releases, I will be answering some User Submitted Questions about the FarmVille team and you guys are all going to get a sneak peek of things coming to FarmVille in the near future.

We’ve had a blast working on some exciting new features for you guys, including a very special one we’re sure you’ll love. But more on that later, for now let’s go over some highlights from last week.

Well last week, we had a lot of very cool (and some very unique) Limited Edition Items make their way to the Market, including a very special Invisible Cat, Long Eared Rabbit and Caterpillar. We also continued to roll out items for our French Chateau theme as well as a new “Best of” Mystery Box that can be purchased from the Market for 16 Farm Cash. This Best of Mystery Box features some of your favorite items from past mystery boxes, so make sure to grab one while you still can.

And probably the biggest feature this week also happened to be something that our community has been requesting for awhile.

New Stallions can now be found wandering around FarmVille that will allow you to get Foals from your Horse Stable! For those of you who might not be familiar with this feature, here are some quick details that will get you into the swing of things.

Periodically, you will receive a pop-up informing you that a “Wandering Stallion” has appeared on your farm. This pop-up will allow you to post a feed to your wall. Ten of your Neighbors can click on this feed to give shelter to the Wandering Stallion.

Unlike other “Lonely” animals, the Wandering Stallion is an event, and is NOT a permanent animal that can be kept on your Farm.

If you choose to give the Wandering Stallion shelter, he will automatically be placed into your Horse Stable. If you have a Wandering Stallion, you have a chance of receiving a Foal the next time you collect from your Stable.

If you already have a Wandering Stallion in your Horse Stable, you will not be able to get another. Clicking on multiple Wandering Stallion feeds from your Neighbors will not increase the chances of a Foal being born.

When a Foal is born, you will receive a pop-up informing you that your newborn is eager to explore the world. This pop-up will allow you to post a feed to your wall and five of your Neighbors can click this feed to receive a Foal.

The type of Foal you receive is determined by the types of horse in your Stable. This means that if you have a Stable Filled with Pinto Horses, you are much more likely to receive a Pinto Foal. One quick thing that you guys might not have known is that the Pink Pony, Brown Pony, High Kick Horse and Spectator Horse will produce a Brown Foal.

Once you harvest from your Stable and find a Foal, you will have to click on a new Wandering Stallion feed to have a chance of making another foal.

However, the Limited Edition “White Stallion” can be placed inside your Horse Stable and will act like a permanent Wandering Stallion. Each time you harvest from your Stable you will have a chance to find a Foal. If you receive a Foal, you will not get a consumable. This is important to remember if finding consumables is important to you. If you do not get a Foal when collecting from your Stable, you still have a chance of receiving an Arborist, Farm Hand or 100 XP.

Now remember Folks, your Baby Foals are more than just cute. Baby Foals can be brushed every 24 hours and cannot be placed inside your Horse Stable.

And as per usual, I want to invite all of you to come join me over on the FarmVille forums to give your thoughts and feedback about all of our latest features. Remember, the forums are a great place to connect with other enthusiastic Farmers as well as a good place to get the latest updates and information. A link to the FarmVille forums can be found in the description of this video and I look forward to seeing some of you soon!

I also received a very touching message from one of the members of our community today. I may not always get a chance to talk to all of you guys one on one, but I do take the time to read all of your emails and I always love hearing from you. Highdef2005 is a huge fan of our podcasts and shared his story with me about how FarmVille helped improve his life. Highdef, I just want to give you a quick shout out and thank you for your wonderful message and your loyalty to farmville. Players like you are the reason for our success and you rock. Everyone else, if you have a story about how FarmVille has made a difference in your life that you would like to share, we want to hear it. Emails and messages like the one from Highdef are what make our jobs wonderful.

Now, let’s go ahead and answer some questions that come straight from you, our community!

1. Our first question of the day comes to us from DragonsHeart, who’d like to know if the baby animals will ever grow up? Well DragonsHeart, you’re certainly not alone in wondering if our baby animals will stay babies forever, as this is one of our most asked questions. The good news is that we are planning on a way for Farmers to have their calves and foals grow into full grown adults if they choose to. We’re currently working out the details right now, but the tentative plan is to introduce the option sometime this Spring. Once we have a more concrete date in place and more information, we’ll update you as soon as we can.

2. Our next question comes to us from Aunt Ornery, and she’d like to know if we can clear up the ‘click issue’? For those of you wondering what exactly she means by this, there’s been a rumor going on for some time now that Feeds for rewards like Collectibles, Mystery Eggs and others become inactive after you click the OK button on the on the reward page. In other words, supposedly once the OK button is clicked, no one else is able to collect from the Feed. We’ve made a few announcements about this on the Forums, but just to make things completely clear, this is just a rumor. Clicking the OK button DOES NOT keep other players from being able to use that person’s feed. Each reward feed has a certain number of people that can collect from it before the reward’s no longer available. For example, finished collection feeds allow Five neighbors to collect from them before they’re no longer available. For more information on how many neighbors can collect from a feed, please visit the Game Updates section of the FarmVille forums. The guides there for each of our features have this, and other detailed information. Just to reiterate though, for once and for all, the OK button rumor is just that. A rumor.

3. And our last question comes to us from graziegirl, and she asks how many gifts can be held in the gift box? As you may or may not know, on our February 24th release, along with everything else that we added to FarmVille, we also increased how much can be held in each gift box, expanding it to hold 50 items in total.

If you have a question you would like answered in the weekly FarmVille Podcast, please come visit us on the Official FarmVille forums for more details.

Alright! On that note, let’s go ahead and get into this week’s coming soon segment! We actually have quite a bit of very cool stuff to talk about this week.

I know we have been teasing the new Pets feature quite a bit in the past few weeks and I am very happy to let you know that the awesome new dogs will be making an appearance in FarmVille very soon. I know how excited all of you have been about this feature, and I want to thank you for all of your thoughts and feedback in the past few weeks.

We also have a very unique themed animal mystery box coming soon that will feature only winged animals. This box will feature some very cool new animals, so make sure to grab one of them when they make an appearance in the market.

Spring is also well underway, so make sure to be on the lookout for some great new Spring themed features and items.

And last, but certainly not least, we have a new feature coming your way soon that is sure to get everyone excited. FarmVille will soon feature new challenges that you can complete with your friends for various rewards and maybe even a little bit of bragging rights.

And that’s about it from me this week Farmers! Again, my name is Lexi and I will see you guys soon! Happy Farming everybody.
You can also read the FarmVille Podcast Transcription here.

FarmVille Puppy Images are out???

Here are extracts from some of the pics as posted by users on FarmVille Official Forums

These images have been posted by FarmVille players who have come across them by chance as these FarmVille Puppies have not been released yet.
Similar to the case of Hot Rod Tractor in the past, these FarmVille Puppies show different price tags for each one of these, but sadly enough all these tags are in FV Farm Cash.

Another FarmVille Puppy in line to be released is a “Border Collie“. and here is what it will look like.

In the words of FarmVille Community Manager Lexilicious:-

Pets Teaser

A small percentage of our users will see the new Golden Retriever Puppy in the Market for varying prices. Some users will see the Puppy with a “coming soon” message below the icon in the Market. 

Please know that this is nothing more than a teaser for our newest feature and clicking on this icon will not charge your account any Farm Cash, nor will you receive a Puppy. The prices that the Puppies will be when they are released are not yet finalized.”

Will you buy these FarmVille Puppies for Farm Cash? Do you reckon any of these cute puppies will be purchasable for Coins as well?

Can you guess what will be the price of these puppies at the time of release?

FarmVille Puppy or FarmVille Dog??? Who is Coming your Way?

The future release of FarmVille Puppy was announced by Lexilicious in a recent FarmVille Podcast but still FarmVille Fans are waiting anxiously for these cute puppies. Recently the following loading screen was witnessed on the game and everyone is expecting that finally the curtain will be raised from the cute FarmVille Puppy or may be a smaller version of FarmVille Dog.

What do you think is coming your way?
The more important question is that “How will the farmers be able to buy those FarmVille Puppies or dogs?”  If it is a huge amount of Farm Cash FVs then I doubt that it will be worth the wait.
What do you say? Will you buy FarmVille Puppy or FarmVille Dog for 56 FV?