FarmVille Podcast Released on June 14

Latest FarmVille Podcast (14 June 2010) has been released a couple of hours ago. You can view the podcast here:-

FarmVille Podcast Transcription – 14 June 2010

Hey Farmers, and welcome to this week’s installment of the Official FarmVille Podcast! My name is Lexilicious and I am here to bring you all of the latest news and information about FarmVille from Zynga. This week, we will be discussing our latest releases, I will be answering some questions from members of the FarmVille Community, and you guys will all be getting a sneak peek of things coming to FarmVille in the future.

We had another week absolutely jam packed with new items for you guys to decorate your farms with. On Tuesday, the first installment of our new Island Theme made an appearance in FarmVille, bringing with it some items unlike any other you may have seen in FarmVille before. This new theme is very different from others we have released, which is wonderful for any users who are looking for a little variety in their game, or for those of you who like to stand out in a crowd. The new Island theme includes some great new animals and crops as well. The Spider Monkey, Pelican and Island Pig can now be found in the market along with the new Pink Hibiscus and Flamingo Flower.

For anyone who may be interested, the Pink Hibiscus is a 22 hour crop, costs 140 Coins and Yields 310 coins when harvested. The Flamingo Flower is a 16 hour crop, costs 35 coins and yields 200 coins when harvested. Both of these crops are limited edition so they cannot be mastered and they will only be around for short time, so make sure to plant them while you still can.

Along with the new Island themed limited Edition items, the new Soccer theme also made an appearance this week, along with the “Tea Party” Cop-op mission and the level 5 trick for your dogs. Remember, different breeds will do different things to help you around the farm, like fetching consumables, harvesting cows and harvesting sheep. 

We also have a new feature that has been implemented as a thank you to our users for signing up for email! For a limited time only, we will be giving out fuel to users who are level 12 or above that you can only claim through email. 

You will receive 1 email a day for the next two weeks containing free fuel. However, make sure that you claim your offer quickly because each fuel bonus expires within 24 hours. And the best part of this special promotion? You have the chance to get up to 3 tanks of fuel each day!

And on Tuesday, the new Crafting Cottages Preview made its debut in FarmVille! This preview will give you a sneak peek of the upcoming Crafting Cottages feature and provide you with some valuable information.
Upon logging into FarmVille, you will see a pop-up that shows the three new Crafting Cottages. The Bakery, Winery and Spa.
Clicking “Learn More” will show you a sneak peek of some of the recipes each crafting cottage can build.

Clicking the “Sign up” button will sign you up for one of the three professions. Upon doing this, you will receive a special Limited Edition gift as a thank you.

If you choose your profession and regret your decision, never fear farmers. Your choice of profession isn’t locked in. You will have the opportunity to change your mind about which crafting cottage you want to use when the feature is released.

Now, make sure to start collecting bushels ahead of time so you’ll be ready to go when the Crafting Cottages are released! Since this pop-up will only appear once, you can find the details of some of the upcoming recipes on the Official FarmVille forums.

FARMVILLE USER SUBMITTED QUESTIONSAnd as you guys know, thousands of questions are submitted to the FarmVille team each week and the best ones are answered here. 
Our first question this week comes to us from Jaime154, and her question is something I know many of you want answered. Jaime would like to know how many Nursery Barns you guys are allowed to have on your farms.

Well, since the release of Nursery Barns, a glitch came to our attention that allows users to have more than one Nursery Barn. This is not the intended functionality of this feature and the ability to have more than one Nursery is a glitch.

We are intending on fixing this issue in the future, however we have decided to allow users to have the ability to possess two Nursery Barns on their farm. 

Please know that if you continue to take advantage of this glitch and choose to have more than two Nurseries on your farm, you are building at your own risk, as this issue will be addressed in the future. This fix may result in the loss of any Nursery Barns in excess of two.

Our second question comes to us from Nabby Sensai. “I want to know if zynga allows other animals besides dogs at work too. Are there ever cats at work and do the dogs chase them?”

In fact, Zynga is more than just dog friendly. Pets of all shapes and sizes are allowed at work, as long as they are relatively well behaved. I have seen a few cats wandering around the office, but usually they are smart enough to steer clear of the dogs here. Much to the delight of the members of the FarmVille team, last Thursday, one of our artists actually brought his rabbit with him to work. So to answer your question… yes, other animals are allowed here at Zynga. 

And our last question is from Nana25 and this one is also something I see asked very frequently around the forums. “What constitutes a “unit” of gas”?
This one is actually quite simple. If you receive a unit of fuel from a feature, it is enough fuel for one plot of land. For example, if you have 100 plots on your farm and you wish to use a vehicle that costs fuel to tend to them, you would need to obtain 100 units of fuel.

Alright! That’s it for user submitted questions for this week. Remember, if you have a question you would like answered by a member of the FarmVille team, please make sure to visit the Official FarmVille forums or for more information.

FARMVILLE TIP OF THE WEEKNow, due to some internal changes, we will be temporarily be removing the Tip of the week segment for a couple of weeks, however we will be bringing it back as soon as we are able, since so many of you have requested to see it return.

And on that note, it’s time for the part of the podcast I am sure all of you skip forward to hear… it’s time for a sneak peek of things coming your way in the near future!

FARMVILLE COMING SOON FEATURESSo first up, we are going to be making some adjustments to the Wheat crop. Soon, it will become a 12 hour crop and we will be adjusting the cost, yield, and mastery numbers to bring it in line with its new grow time. We’re doing this because wheat will be a pretty common component in some of the crafting cottage recipes and we don’t want you guys to be using a crop with a multiple-day grow time in your first recipes.

Now the second thing on the list this week is Dairy Barn Expansion! That’s right folks, expansion for your dairies will be coming soon as per your request.

And lastly, we have a release coming your way in the next couple of weeks that I am sure many of you will enjoy. Now, if anyone who is listening frequents the “suggestions” section of the FarmVille forums, you will know that bees are one of the most requested items we see. Well, not only will you see bees soon… we are making an entire feature around them! So make sure to keep an eye out for this upcoming release and the others in the near future. 

Alright folks, that’s it from me this week. Again, my name is Lexilicious and thank you all so much for listening. I will be back this coming Friday with all of the latest news and information from around the Farm. 
Happy Farming!
Source: Official FarmVille Forum

How to get FarmVille Biplane?

If you are still in a fix about “How to get a Biplane in FarmVille?” then you must go through our post here: “FarmVille Biplane: Latest FarmVille Vehicle
However, here I will tell you TWO different ways to get a FarmVille Biplane.

  • The first and the easier method is to go to Vehicles Tab in FarmVille Market and buy FarmVille Biplane for 30,000 Coins.
  • The second method to get FarmVille Biplane for FREE is by completing a co-op farming job – “FarmVille Peanut Butter Jelly Coop Job” with a GOLD reward and the Gold reward happens to be a FarmVille Biplane.

How did you get your FarmVille Biplane?

FarmVille Biplane – Latest FarmVille Vehicle

FarmVille has released another magnificent vehicle with a lot of purpose. Its FarmVille Biplane – a beautiful piece of machinery and flying beauty.

On logging in today, you must have come across this pop up for announcing the arrival of the Biplane.

FarmVille Biplane can be bought from the market for 30,000 Coins which is not much for most of the players having millions in their accounts. 😉

After purchasing, you can find your Biplane along with all your previous FarmVille vehicles – Harvester, Seeder and Tractor.

What does FarmVille Biplane Do?
FarmVille Biplane is a useful vehicle and it can help you in INSTANTLY GROWING your crops. So, now you can grow your 4-day crops in 1 second with just a click of the mouse. The interesting thing is that your first INSTA GROW adventure is a Free Flight as a gift from Zynga Gods.
Just Click on “Grow My Crops” and all your crops will be ready for harvesting.

For every subsequent use of INSTA GROW, you are required to pay 1 FV for instant growing of your entire farm. Very cheap indeed – as compared to 10 FV  for using 1 Unwither on your crops.

So, Have you bought your FarmVille Biplane? Don’t you think that FarmVille Team has gone too generous in this release?

FarmVille New Coop Job – Peanuut Butter Jelly

Now you can start off with another coop job in FarmVille and this time you can stir a Peanut Butter Jelly by growing peanuts and strawberries for sandwiches.
The reward for a Gold Job is a FarmVille BIPLANE which otherwise costs you 30,000 Coins in FarmVille Market.
So, when are you starting your first Peanut Butter Jelly Coop Job?

How to use New FarmVille Buttons: "Move" and "Recycle"

FarmVille team has made some significant changes in the control panel of the game today. 

Apart from moving all the vehicles in one tab, they have introduced two new tools – “Move” and “Recycle” tools.

  • How FarmVille Move Tool Works? 
    • The new FarmVille Move tool can prove very useful in quick decoration and redecoration of your farm. 
    • Just click on the FarmVille Move Tool (Hand) to enter Decoration Mode. When in this mode, you will be able to move items with a single click.
    • The best thing about Move tool is that You can now move planted farms as well, which was not possible previously.
    • When using the Move tool, you can use the space bar to rotate selected items (Only those items which are rotatable) when they are being held.
    • To drop an item, it must first be placed in a valid new location.
  • How FarmVille Recycle Tool Works?
    • FarmVille Recycle Tool can be used to delete different items quickly. It can be found in Multi Tool Menu in bottom right side of your game screen.
    • FarmVille Recycle Tool quickly deletes the items with zero value and sells items with coin value.
    • FarmVille Recycle Tool with confirm before the deletion of any item. In addition, the Recycle tool includes a “Quick Delete” mode. Quick delete will not warn you about selling or deleting any object worth less than 1,000 coins that is not a limited edition item when enabled.

In my opinion, FarmVille Move and Recycle Tools will prove extremely helpful to players who love to decorate their farms using hundreds of hay bales and fences; But extreme caution must be taken while using these tools.

Do you like these new tools? Which tool do you prefer? 

Latest FarmVille Ribbon Added – CRACKED

FarmVille has added its latest ribbon in tonight’s update and it is a FarmVille Cracked Ribbon.

How to get FarmVille Cracked Ribbon quickly?
The fastest way to earn FarmVille Cracked Blue Ribbon is to have more chickens on your farm, thus increasing your chances of finding FarmVille Mystery Eggs.

Requirements for FarmVille CRACKED Ribbon

  • Cracked Yellow Ribbon: Open 5 Mystery Eggs
  • Cracked White Ribbon: Open 25 Mystery Eggs
  • Cracked Red Ribbon: Open 75 Mystery Eggs
  • Cracked Blue Ribbon: Open 150 Mystery Eggs

Do you like FarmVille Cracked Ribbon? Is it a good addition in your opinion or not? I think that at least it is better than the ribbon for FarmVille Mystery Boxes? Isn’t it?

Unreleased FarmVille Animals – Purple Cow and Purple Calf

Here are some of the new unreleased animals which will soon be making their way to FarmVille —- well Hopefully.

Image Source:
FarmVille Purple Cow 
FarmVille Purple Calf 
Special thanks to for finding these images

Note: All images are property of Zynga and are hosted on FarmVille Official Servers. We do not claim any of these images to be ours. These items may or may not be released.

Would you like to see purple cow and purple calf on your farm? What do you think they will harvest for? 

FarmVille South-Western Themed Animals – Road Runner and Lynx Shown

Here is a magnificent FarmVille Loading Screen showing two new FarmVille South-Western Themed AnimalsRoad Runner and Lynx Shown for the first time. Both of these animals have not been released so far and remain UNRELEASED FarmVille Animals.

Would you like to feature FarmVille Lynx and FarmVille Road Runner on your farm?

FarmVille Pink and Purple Mystery Box Released

On 27 April 2010, Facebook’s FarmVille released a brand new Mystery Box which is pink in color with a purple ribbon.

 FarmVille Pink and Purple Mystery Box can be bought from FarmVille Market for 16 FV for next 7 days, as it is a Limited Edition Mystery Box like all its counterparts.

Following items can be found from FarmVille Pink and purple Mystery Box:-

  • Lavender Victorian + 400 XP
  • Purple Mane Pony + 350 XP 
  • Sphynx + 300 XP
  • Purple Frog + 250 XP
  • Antique Cart + 150 XP
  • Garden Statue + 150 XP


Thanks to members at Official FarmVille Forum for the above images.
What did you get from your FarmVille Mystery Box? To show off the pictures of your Mystery Box contents, you can send your entries to

FarmVille Free Mystery Gifts Updated

With a massive update on 27 April 2010, there has also been a change in the outcomes of FarmVille Free Mystery Gifts which is a Purple Box with Yellow Question Marks.

Now you can get any of these gifts from these FarmVille Free Mystery Gifts:-

  • Garden Sun Dial 
  • Jackfruit Tree
  • Small Moss Rock
  • Black Pig
  • Stone Planter
  • Little Yellow Wagon
  • Fancy Topiary
  • No Gopher Sign
  • No Crows Sign
  • Weather Vane