Unreleased FarmVille Animals – Purple Cow and Purple Calf

Here are some of the new unreleased animals which will soon be making their way to FarmVille —- well Hopefully.

Image Source:
FarmVille Purple Cow 
FarmVille Purple Calf 
Special thanks to http://www.farmvillefanatic.com for finding these images

Note: All images are property of Zynga and are hosted on FarmVille Official Servers. We do not claim any of these images to be ours. These items may or may not be released.

Would you like to see purple cow and purple calf on your farm? What do you think they will harvest for? 

Beautiful FarmVille’s Facebook Status Update

Here is a magnificent Facebook Status Update:
Jason(or your name): heard on the radio yesterday …… a robber broke into a house, and before he left he logged into Facebook to harvest his FarmVille Crops …… idiot forgot to log off ha ha

Increased FarmVille Flying Coins – Have you noticed?

With the introduction of FarmVille Hot Rod Vehicles some time ago and different ways for getting Free FarmVille Fuel seems to have increased the chances of finding flying coins on your farm. Recently one of my friends found 4 flying coins simultaneously at his farm while plowing with a Hot Rod Tractor.
Here is a screen shot of the incident:-

Have you noticed any increase in the possibility of getting more Flying Coins or Flying Potatoes on your farms? How many flying coins have you observed at your farm at the maximum?

Less than 24 Hours Left for Master FarmVille Contest#1

It is just to remind you that less than 24 hours are left for the close of the contest.
Bonus Offer. For the last 24 hours of the contest, you can even enter the contest without becoming a fan or follower of the Facebook Page and Master FarmVille Blog.

Just leave a comment anywhere on the blog and your name will be entered in the Lucky Dip for the contest prizes. Before leaving a comment, please read the instruction for leaving your comment on “Master FarmVille Contest#1

Results will be announced tomorrow
Best of Luck to all Farmers.

FarmVille Secret Sheep and Secret Cow – What, where and how?

You must have seen two new FarmVille Secret Animals in FarmVille Market which are:-

  • FarmVille Secret Sheep
  • FarmVille Secret Cow
So, what do you think is their SECRET?
If you are clueless then here is a guide offered to you by FarmVille 

“The Cows and Sheep are squaring off to see who’s tops on the Barnyard, and whoever wins unlocks a new friend available in the FarmVille Market . We’ll need your help to figure out who!

In the Animals section of the Market, you’ll see both the Secret Cow and Secret Sheep tabs, with a Become a Fan button underneath.

Clicking the button will take you to either Animal’s Facebook Fan Page where you can learn more about their separate election campaigns, but most importantly you can also become a fan.

TECHNICAL ISSUES – PLEASE NOTE: You must click the Become A Fan button at the top of the page to become a member of their Fan Page. Currently, the in-game button only takes you to the Fan page and does not make you a Fan automatically.

The first Fan Page to make it to 2 Million Fans will have their Secret Animal unlocked at a date to be determined shortly afterward.

Not only that, the more Fans each of these pages get, the more affordable the new animal will become. The fate of the Barnyard Battle is in your hands, Farmers!

  • 2 Million fans: New animal for 12 Farm Cash

  • 3 Million fans: New animal for 500,000 Coin

  • 6 Million fans: New animal for 100,000 Coin

  • 11 Million fans: New animal for 5,000 Coin and every fan gets one free!

PLEASE READ: Due to the high volume of players coming out to show their support for the Cows and Sheep in their respective campaigns, there have been some technical difficulties when attempting to Become a Fan. We’re currently looking into the problem, we ask that you please remain patient. If you get an error message when trying to become a fan, wait a few moments and try again later.

We’ll be sure to update you when these issues are completely sorted.” 

Source: FarmVille Official Forums
You can see the images of these SECRET PRIZES by clicking here:

FarmVille Email Update

FarmVille has announced that in the near future, email will be the only way to get important updates from FarmVille. You will be able to receive email alerts when:

  • Your crops are ready to harvest
  • Yours friends leave a comment on your farm
  • You receive a neighbor request
  • and much more

Do you think that this will be the end of annoying notifications on Facebook News Feed or WHAT?


For all the curious FarmVille Lovers, here are the images of FARMVILLE SECRET COW and FARMVILLE SECRET SHEEP.

For the details on these Secret animals, you can read How to get FarmVille Secret Cow and Secret Sheep?

FarmVille Co-op Farming Coming Soon

Recent FarmVille Podcast announced the arrival of FarmVille Co-op Farming in the game in near future. Here is the latest “FarmVille Co-op Farming Coming Soon” Loading Screen:-

What do you think how FarmVille Co-op Farming will work? Any bright ideas?

FarmVille Puppy Images are out???

Here are extracts from some of the pics as posted by users on FarmVille Official Forums

These images have been posted by FarmVille players who have come across them by chance as these FarmVille Puppies have not been released yet.
Similar to the case of Hot Rod Tractor in the past, these FarmVille Puppies show different price tags for each one of these, but sadly enough all these tags are in FV Farm Cash.

Another FarmVille Puppy in line to be released is a “Border Collie“. and here is what it will look like.

In the words of FarmVille Community Manager Lexilicious:-

Pets Teaser

A small percentage of our users will see the new Golden Retriever Puppy in the Market for varying prices. Some users will see the Puppy with a “coming soon” message below the icon in the Market. 

Please know that this is nothing more than a teaser for our newest feature and clicking on this icon will not charge your account any Farm Cash, nor will you receive a Puppy. The prices that the Puppies will be when they are released are not yet finalized.”

Will you buy these FarmVille Puppies for Farm Cash? Do you reckon any of these cute puppies will be purchasable for Coins as well?

Can you guess what will be the price of these puppies at the time of release?

FarmVille Provencal Shed and FarmVille Cafe Buildings Released

In the latest FarmVille update (18 March 2010), two new buildings have been released. These buildings are FarmVille Provencal Shed and FarmVille Cafe.

Both these buildings – FarmVille Provencal Shed and FarmVille Cafe, are Limited Edition FarmVille Buildings and will be available in the FarmVille Market for the next 12 days only.

  • FarmVille Provencal Shed.  
    • Purpose : FarmVille Storage Building. Can store 15 Items
    • Price : Can be bought for 24 FV Farm Cash
    • XP Gained : 320 XPs
    • Can be resold for 1600 Coins only
  • FarmVille Cafe
    • Purpose : FarmVille Decoration Building
    • Price : Can be bought for 42 FV Farm Cash
    • XP Gained : 1000 XPs
    • Can be resold for 5000 Coins only