FarmVille Unreleased Levels beyond Level 90

Here is a sneak peak into Unreleased FarmVille Levels beyond the presently released Top Level 90.
FV is expected to release MORE LEVELS in very near future. The names of the next 10 Levels are:-
Level 91: Veni Vidi Agri
Level 92: Incomparable Farmer
Level 93: Soil Savant
Level 94: Farm Overlord
Level 95: Stellar Farmer
Level 96: Transcendent Tiller
Level 97: Universal Farmer
Level 98: Paragon Farmer
Level 99: Epic Farmer
Level 100: Omnipotent Agriculturalist
Source: FarmVille Code Hunters

Note: These levels may or may not be released.

Don’t forget to participate in FarmVille Birthday GiveAway Event here.
Happy Farming!

Latest FarmVille Podcast – 28 May 2010

Here is the latest FarmVille Podcast issued on 28 May 2010:-

FarmVille Podcast Transcription – May 28th:

Hey Farmers and welcome to the Official FarmVille Podcast! My name is Lexilicious and I am in charge of all things community over here on the FarmVille team. As per usual, I am here to bring you all of the latest news and information about FarmVille from Zynga. This week, we will be discussing our latest releases, I will be answering some user submitted questions from members of the FarmVille community and you guys will all get a sneak peek of things coming to FarmVille in the near future. I am also happy to announce that our Tip of the Week segment has returned due to popular demand, and will be hosted from here on out by our very own Channel Zero!

So this week turned out to be jam packed with both new features and tons of Limited Edition items for everyone to enjoy.

Our most exciting release was the appearance of the long awaited Farmers Market!

At level 15 or higher, the Farmer’s Market allows you to collect bushels from harvested crops that can be used to get bonuses for yourself, or given to neighbors!

Collecting bushels is simply done by harvesting your regular crops. In much the same way that you can harvest Perfect Bunches from Flower crops, you’ll be able collect bushels from all permanent crops available in the Market. When you find your first bushel, you will get a Market Stall.

Alternatively, if you do not wish to wait, you can also purchase a Market Stall in the Buildings section of the Market for either coins or Farm Cash.

Please remember that you are limited to 5 Market Stalls on your farm in total. Each Market Stall you have can sell one type of crop. Once you’ve got your Market Stall in place, you can start collecting bushels to use yourself, or to let neighbors collect by harvesting your crops.

You can access your Market Stall’s menu by selecting “Farmer’s Market” from its pull down menu. Inside, you can see what bushels you’ve collected from your neighbors in the My Bushels section, what bushels your neighbors have available in the Get Bushels section and what bushels your stall is offering in the My Stall section.

Clicking the Get Bushels button will show you all of the bushels that your neighbors are currently offering. From here you can select any available bushels, and it will display a list of each neighbor that has the crop available, and how long their Stall is open for. Selecting a specific neighbor will take you to their Stall.

Bushels taken from your friend’s Stall are added to your inventory, which can be seen in the My Bushels section of your Stall. Once you’ve collected bushels, either from finding them on your own farm or taking them from your neighbors, they’re all displayed in your inventory. You can hold up to 50 bushels in your inventory, and each bushel can be shared or used. Clicking the Share button on any bushel will allow you to offer up a number of bushels of your choosing to your friends, via a feed.

Clicking the Use button consumes one of the selected bushels and gives you a bonus. The type of bonus depends on whether you have access to the crop or not. If the bushel used is for a crop you can plant, you receive a bonus of +1 Mastery whenever that crop is harvested on your farm for two hours. If you have already mastered this crop, the bonus is +1 experience point per harvest.

If you use a bushel of a crop that you are not high enough of a level to plant, you’ll receive a license to plant that crop that lasts for two hours.
Along with being able to collect and use bushels from Market Stalls, you can receive a reward of your choice whenever neighbors use your Stall!

The next time you return to your farm, if your neighbors have used your Market Stall an arrow will point to the appropriate Stall. Viewing the interior of the Stall will show you the three rewards that you can choose from. Coins, Fuel and Experience Points.

Now the Farmer’s Market is a big addition to FarmVille. Because of this, we want to hear your feedback. If you have any opinions you would like to share with us regarding this new feature, please make sure to visit the “Feedback” section of the Official FarmVille forums and let us know what you have to say.
The ability to grow up your baby animals in your Nursery Barn was also released this week, allowing players to raise their foals and calves into an all new adult animals that you can keep!

Depending on what animals are in your Nursery Barn, you have a chance of them growing up into a new Chocolate Cow, Holstein Cow, Black Horse, Cream Draft Horse and a Light Blue Pony when tending to your Nursery Barn.

Now, I have seen lots of questions from people already, who are unhappy that the baby animals do not grow up into their exact adult counterpart. For example, a Kelly green calf will not grow up into a Kelly green cow, it will grow up into one of the new animals I mentioned above. We made the feature the way it is, because many of the cows and horses that produce foals and calves can only be purchased with Farm Cash. It would be highly unfair to the people who purchased these animals for cash to have their friends and neighbors be able to grow their foals and calves up into the same animals for free.

Hopefully that clears things up a little bit for you guys. If you have any more questions about this new feature, please head on over to the Official FarmVille forums for more information.

And on that note, let’s go ahead and get into answering some questions submitted by members of the FarmVille community!

Our first question comes to us today from seidel mx3. “After read the last podcast about bushels, my question is: What happened with the “functional” buildings, like the perfumery, winery and fuel workshop?”

The Perfumery, Winery and Workshop some of you saw in the Market awhile ago, was a test we were doing on those features. While they were not yet functional, we do plan on releasing them in the near future. The buildings you saw were part of our crafting system. We are following up the new Farmers Market with a feature that will allow you to use bushels to craft special goods that you can trade with your friends. Players will be able to choose between several crafting buildings, each with their own unique benefits.

So make sure to keep an eye out for this new feature in the coming weeks.

Our next question comes to us from Mickey Mixx, and they would like to know how long it takes me to prepare the information and research the user submitted questions prior to recording.

Well, the time it takes to pick the questions can vary. I do my best to find questions that fit within the parameters of the segment, as well as ones that will be of interest to the community. Doing this can take me anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. Once I have the questions, I usually need to gather information. Depending on how busy the rest of the FarmVille team is, this can take me anywhere from an hour, to a few days. So in total, it does take some time to gather the information for the coming soon segment of the podcast, but it’s totally worth it for you guys to get some insight into how things work over here on FarmVille.

And now I am going to hand you guys over to Channel Zero, who is here to give us our Tip of the Week.

Howdy folks, it’s Channel Zero with your FarmVille Tip of the Week. Each week I’ll be giving you a couple of tips you can use to manage your farm a bit more effectively. This week, I’ve got one for those of you who are new to the game and a special tip for those of you currently tackling the Farmer’s Market.

First up, for those of you just starting up your Farm, I know you might be tempted to try and fill your Farm up with as many plots as you can right away, but hold off. Start out with just a few, plant some crops and get used to the game. One mistake new Farmers make often is adding so many plots to start that they don’t have enough coins left for the crops to plant in them. Take your time. You’ll be tending to a Mighty Plantation in no time.

Next, for all you Farming veterans currently gathering bushels from your neighbors in the Farmer’s Market feature, here’s a reminder. While you can only take 3 bags of bushels from a single neighbor’s Market Stall every 24 hours, you can gather up to 50 bags of bushels in total. So once you’ve run out of bags for one neighbor, head on over to another! If you’ve just started for the day, you’ve got 47 more coming.

Thanks for listenin’, and stay tuned next week for more tips from me, Channel Zero.

And last, but certainly not least, it is time for everyone to get a sneak peek of things coming to farmville in the near future.

We actually have a couple of cool things to talk about this week. Firstly, we will be implementing a new settings menu for everyone. The settings menu will allow you to easily change your preferences, including turning on and off animations, graphics, harvest indicators and the menu auto popping.

Insta-Grow will soon be coming to FarmVille, which will allow you to instantly grow your entire field of crops with our friendly bi-plane. And with this new feature, we will be releasing another nre co-op farming job for you guys to enjoy.

And I know you guys will be happy to hear that the Belted Cow will be coming in the near future. You will be able to purchase this cow for coins, but you are going to have to work for it a little bit.

Alright Folks, that’s it from me this week. I will be back next Friday to give you all of the latest news and information from around the Farm. Again, my name is Lexilicious, and I will see you soon. Happy farming everybody!
Source: FarmVille Official Forums

Unreleased FarmVille Animals – Purple Cow and Purple Calf

Here are some of the new unreleased animals which will soon be making their way to FarmVille —- well Hopefully.

Image Source:
FarmVille Purple Cow 
FarmVille Purple Calf 
Special thanks to for finding these images

Note: All images are property of Zynga and are hosted on FarmVille Official Servers. We do not claim any of these images to be ours. These items may or may not be released.

Would you like to see purple cow and purple calf on your farm? What do you think they will harvest for? 

FarmVille Unreleased Bob Cat

As previously featured on one of the South-Western Themed Loading Screens, here is an image of FarmVille Bob Cat as hosted by Zynga Servers.

Image Source: FarmViller

Note: All images are property of Zynga and are hosted on FarmVille Official Servers. We do not claim any of these images to be ours. These items may or may not be released.
Do you like this cute FarmVille Bob Cat? What do you think they will harvest for? 

FarmVille Scams: Have we gone insane after FarmVille?

Update on 29 Apr 2010:
The FarmVille Bonus XP Scam Application and Page has been removed by Facebook after thousands of Users reported it as Facebook Scam. By the way, last time I had a look some hours ago, it had more than 500,000+ Users who liked it.

Original Post in 28 Apr 2010:
Different websites and fan blogs have been informing us about various FarmVille Scams, especially on Facebook Fan Pages.

Here is just a fun view of the latest of these scams – Yes! Here is the page of FarmVille Bonus XP and it is an absolute FarmVille SCAM. It promises to give away UPTO 1000 XPs as a Bonus but no one has received anything from them. (I know most of you will still give it a try – just in case 😉   ).
I will just give you some interesting details on the page:
FarmVille Bonus XP Scam Fan Page was created today on 28 Apr 2010 at around 02:00 AM EDT.
It posts a message very similar to FarmVille Messages. The logo is the same as used by FarmVille however instead of “via FarmVille” it says “via Bonus XP” – as shown in the image below.

The application went so VIRAL that by 04:00 AM EDT the application managed to get 10,000 fans who liked the page and after 4 more hours it had more than 68,000 fans.

After next 2 hours,  the fans of the page had increased to 124,000+.

Next 2 hours passed and the fan count increased to 171,000+.

By the end of next 2 hours, the fans had increased to 215,000+.

It means that with in 10 hours of launching of the Scam Application Bonus XP, it had more than 215,000 Fans.
And by the time I wrote this post, the fan count has already reached 233,000+.

Isn’t it interesting how crazy everyone is about Farmville???

And the BEST part is that NO ONE has got anything from it – NOT even Farm Cents. 😉
I just want your comments on the issue: Have we gone insane after FarmVille?

FarmVille New Buildings with Purpose for 1000000 Coins Each – Will you buy?

Facebook’s FarmVille has already leaked some new buildings with purpose. The following buildings will be used for making various different items from your mastered crops:-

  • FarmVille Winery – makes Wine
  • FarmVille Perfumery – makes Perfumes
  • FarmVille Bakery – makes Pasteries
  • FarmVille Fuel Shop – makes Fuel
In a recent move, these buildings with purpose have been made available to some of the farmers/FarmVille Players with a testing price of 1,000,000 Coins ….. Yes, 1 Million Coins each.
Do you have 4,000,000 Coins to buy a set of these buildings? I wish that their final price is lesser than this; however while viewing at the brighter side of the issue, 1 Million coins are still better than 50 FV – What do you say?

Beautiful FarmVille’s Facebook Status Update

Here is a magnificent Facebook Status Update:
Jason(or your name): heard on the radio yesterday …… a robber broke into a house, and before he left he logged into Facebook to harvest his FarmVille Crops …… idiot forgot to log off ha ha

FarmVille Unreleased Tractors

For all you FarmVille Lovers, here are two beautiful unreleased FarmVille vehicles which may be making their way to the game in near future:-

  • FarmVille School Bus Tractor(Source: FarmViller)

Master FarmVille School Bus Tractor

Master FarmVille Vehicle - Hot Rod Tractor Version 2 Do you like them and would you like to buy them?

FarmVille Podcast – 26 Feb 2010

Here is the latest FarmVille Podcast as released on 26 Feb 2010 by Zynga:-

Are you a Dedicated Farmer at FarmVille?

Of late, some of the farmers have managed to see a cool status bar which tells you five steps to become a Dedicated Farmer at FarmVille. These steps include:-

  • Install FarmVille
  • Find your way back
  • Get Exclusive Offers
  • Get Timely Updates
  • Publish Faster

Get a view of the bar here – If you haven’t seen one in the game…..