FarmVille Biplane – Latest FarmVille Vehicle

FarmVille has released another magnificent vehicle with a lot of purpose. Its FarmVille Biplane – a beautiful piece of machinery and flying beauty.

On logging in today, you must have come across this pop up for announcing the arrival of the Biplane.

FarmVille Biplane can be bought from the market for 30,000 Coins which is not much for most of the players having millions in their accounts. 😉

After purchasing, you can find your Biplane along with all your previous FarmVille vehicles – Harvester, Seeder and Tractor.

What does FarmVille Biplane Do?
FarmVille Biplane is a useful vehicle and it can help you in INSTANTLY GROWING your crops. So, now you can grow your 4-day crops in 1 second with just a click of the mouse. The interesting thing is that your first INSTA GROW adventure is a Free Flight as a gift from Zynga Gods.
Just Click on “Grow My Crops” and all your crops will be ready for harvesting.

For every subsequent use of INSTA GROW, you are required to pay 1 FV for instant growing of your entire farm. Very cheap indeed – as compared to 10 FV  for using 1 Unwither on your crops.

So, Have you bought your FarmVille Biplane? Don’t you think that FarmVille Team has gone too generous in this release?

One Response to “FarmVille Biplane – Latest FarmVille Vehicle”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Well I have the plane but it is useless… i have like 30 FV and every time I try to use a message tells me that I don’t have enough FV $… I even sold one and purchase it again to check that issue will go away… and still the same

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