New Look at Farmville Loading Screen

A new feature has been added below Farmville Loading Screen mentioning the latest changes/ additions in the game. In this way users can easily get an update about the latest announcements and updates at Farmville. Here is a view of the Update Overview from Farmville:-

Latest Gifts added at Farmville

Here are the latest added adorable giftable items at Farmville. Some of these gifts can be gifted directly where as some of these are exclusive gifts and can be gifted by visiting only.
The common gifts include a blue gazing ball, a green gazing ball, Potted Plant and a new giftable animal “Reindeer”.


The Farmville Exclusive gifts include the following:-

3 x New Flags (Orange, Purple, White) (FarmVille Exclusive)

Ladder & Bucket  (FarmVille Exclusive)

Barrel of Grapes (FarmVille Exclusive)

Log Bench (FarmVille Exclusive)

Wooden Log (FarmVille Exclusive)

What are Farmville Storage Buildings???

After a long wait, Farmville has finally released the Storage Buildings:

What can the Storage Buildings Do?
The Farmville Storage Buildings can store miscellaneous items for you.

What is the Purpose of Storage Buildings?
Storage Buildings are obviously for storing items. They can help you in saving space on your farm and keeping unique decoration items/ buildings, etc for future display.

How many items can be stored?
At a time, you can store 30 different items in different storage buildings as per their capacity mentioned in the game. There is a word that this limit has been increased to 100 items lately.

Which buildings hold the maximum items?
Pink Barn and Pink Tool Shed can store 35 items each.

How to Store Items inside the Buildings?

  • Click on the item to be stored and click on “Store”.
  • The Item will be stored at a central location, which will depend on the number of Storage Buildings available at your farm.
  • At present items can be stored inside Barns and Tool Sheds.
  • You can access the stored items by clicking on any barn, tool shed or by clicking the new storage icon (Mixed with Gift Box Button) in the right bottom corner of the game screen.

The Official Farmville Word says:-

We’ve heard some of you are feeling a bit cramped on your farm. FarmVille is proud to introduce STORAGE! Now you can decorate to your heart’s content while knowing that you have a place to store your stuff. By the way, have you seen the new Country Fair items? Check ’em out and see why the sheep are having such a blast!

Farmville Colored Eggs – Details

Here is a little guide about the colorful eggs on your favorite Farmville.

Can I keep the colored egg which I find in Farmville?
No! You can not keep the colored egg. If you find one of the colored eggs, then you can only post it to your feed for your friends to hatch them.

How can I get Colored Eggs at Farmville?
You can hatch an egg when any of your friends finds them and posts them in their feed. Just click on “Hatch the Egg” and discover the contents.

How can you get colored Chickens including Golden/ Black/ Brown Chickens?

You can get the colored chickens from the following eggs:-

  • White Chicken always lays White Egg —- Which can be hatched to get White or Brown Chicken
  • Brown Chicken always lays Brown Egg —- Which can be hatched to get Brown or Black Chicken
  • Black Chicken always lays Black Egg —- Which can be hatched to get Black or Golden Chicken
  • Golden Chicken always lays Golden Egg —- Which can be hatched to get Gold Chicken only

All the eggs can also hatch to give you some unique/ common items.

What other known items can be found from Colored Eggs?
Following items can also be found from the colored eggs apart from the chickens mentioned above:-

  • Common White Mystery Egg
    •  Garden Gnome
    • Pink Flamingo
  • Uncommon Brown Mystery Egg
    • 1 Fuel Refill
  • Rare Black Mystery Egg
    •  10 Fuel Refills
  • Treasured Golden Mystery Egg
    • Fire Pit
    • Tree Swing
    • Hot Tub
    • Golden Gnome
    • 20 Fuel Refills

Here is also a great Farmville tip or cheat to “Get the maximum out of your Chicken Coops”.

Farmville Trick to "Get the Maximum from Chicken Coops"

You can very conveniently harvest your Farmville Chicken Coops more than once.
The question arises – HOW?

You can harvest your Farmville Chicken Coops more than once in a day if you have some chickens which are 100%. Follow these simple steps to get the maximum out of your Farmville Chicken Coops:-

  1. Empty your Chicken Coops and place all Chickens on your farm.
  2. Put a White or Brown Chicken inside the Chicken Coop first which is 100% ready for collecting eggs.
  3. Next put all the Black and Golden chickens inside the building. The status of the Chicken Coop will be set by the first chicken placed inside. 
  4. Collect Eggs from the 100% ready Chicken Coop and then empty your building again.
  5. Now put another chicken which is 100% ready.
  6. Repeat Steps 2-4 and make your chicken coop 100% ready again.

Just chill and get the maximum out of your Chicken Buildings. Placing more chickens of Black and Golden color will increase your ability to get the Black and Golden Mystery Eggs.

Get in-depth details on “Farmville Chicken Coops and Mystery Eggs” by clicking on the link.

Farmville Podcast Transcription – Released 13 November 2009

Farmville released its most-recent podcast on November 13′ 2009 and here I have transcribed it for you. Please have a look and know about the latest additions at the game:-

Farmville Podcast – Released on November 13′ 2009

Hey, farmers! Welcome once again to the official Farmville podcast. My name is Lexilicious, and I am the Farmville community manager. As per usual, I am gonna be going over some of our new releases this week, I am gonna be giving some of our newer players some Farmville tips and tricks, and you guys are going to get an exclusive sneak peek of things coming your way soon. So, let’s go ahead and get this show on the road!

Farmville Land Expansion – 22×22
This week proved to be another really exciting week for Farmville. We saw the release of the new version of Sweet Seeds for Haiti, the new Chicken Coops are now available and a little thing we like to call land expansion. We know you guys have been eagerly awaiting a bit more leg room, so we’re super excited to be able to give you the 22×22 land expansion. For those of you who might not know or haven’t had a chance to purchase the new land expansion, the 22×22 can be unlocked for 30 Farm Cash or 250,000 coins and 20 neighbors.

Farmville Chicken Coops
The new Chicken Coops also appear to be a big hit with the community. This building that matters is a little different than the Dairy Farm, so I want to explain this feature in a little more detail. Chicken Coops can be purchased for 5,000 coins from the marketplace. Chicken Coops are also a giftable item, so make sure to ask your friends to send you one if you don’t wish to purchase it. Chicken Coops can be used once every 24 hours, and will yield the sum of all of the Chickens stored within it. Once your Chicken Coop reaches 100%, it’s ready for harvest! When harvesting your Chicken Coop, you have the chance to receive a Mystery Egg. Mystery Eggs can be white, brown, black or golden. If you receive a Mystery Egg, you will see a popup that allows you to post a feed to your wall. This popup will tell you what type of egg you have received. Once you post the feed to your wall, up to five of your friends can click on the feed. These friends will receive various items, including different color chickens. One thing to know about Chicken Coops is that you can only have one of them. If a player receives multiple Chicken Coops, the additional Chicken Coops will become Chickens that you can use on your farm.

Chicken Coops are a really fun way to store your Chickens and to give your friends cool stuff. Since this is a pretty big new feature, we would love to hear your feedback. If you have any opinions you would like to share, please visit the official Farmville forums or

Farmville Sweet Seeds for Haiti – Sweet Corn (New Version)
I’m sure you guys are familiar with the Sweet Seeds for Haiti charity event that we held a few weeks ago. Since we raised over $575,000 for children and their families in Haiti, we wanted to continue with this cause. That is why we are proud to release the new version of Sweet Seeds for Haiti. In this event, players will be able to purchase special Sweet Corn from the market. After purchasing the Sweet Corn, all donors will receive a one-week license to plant them. This means that users are able to plant Sweet Corn in unlimited amounts for seven days only. Sweet Corn is a six hour crop that costs 10 coins to plant, and yields 125 coins when harvested. You will gain 3 experience points when planting this crop, and the best part about Sweet Corn is that it never withers. Zynga will continue to donate 50% from the sale of Sweet Seeds for Haiti to support sustainable and healthy meals for children and their families. Again, we would like to thank everyone who participated in the first Sweet Seeds, and we can only hope that this version is just as successful.

Farmville Gift Box Enhancement 
There was also some pretty significant changes made to the gift box in Farmville. We’ve heard a lot of feedback from players that using the old gift box could be a pretty tedious process. That is why you no longer need to place gifts on your farm to sell them. Items can now be sold directly from your gift box. There is also a new option to sell all of the items in your gift box at one time. If you need to make some room, and are looking to save time, click on the “Sell All” button located at the top of the gift box popup.

Farmville at Twitter
And I think that’s about it for releases this week. Another thing I do want to let you guys know is that Farmville is on Twitter. Following us is a really great way to stay up to date with all of our new features and releases, as well as letting us know what you think. If you’re interested in checking out the Farmville Twitter, it can be found at

Farmville Tip of the Week
This week’s tip for our newer users is about achievements. Farmville features numerous achievements that can be obtained by completing various tasks within the game. In addition to a ribbon to show off to your friends, you can also gain experience points, decorations for your farm, and coins. If you wish to look at your achievement progress, simply click on the ribbon icon located to the left of the market.

Farmville Coming Soon
On that note, it’s time for us to get into the coming soon segment of this week’s podcast. We have a lot of things to talk about this week. Firstly I want to let you guys know that we will be enhancing the fuel system over the next couple of weeks. While I can’t go into too much detail, we have heard our community’s feedback about this feature, so we’re working on making it even better for you guys.

Storage is another feature you guys have been eagerly awaiting and I’m happy to announce that it will be making its way to Farmville some time in November. So make sure to keep your eyes peeled, and we’ll have storage coming your way soon.

We also have some limited edition country fair themed items making an appearance. While I can’t give you guys too many details, just know that this is comprised of some really awesome animated items that are sure to look great on your farms. We also have a new Mystery Box, and even more country flags will continue to roll out in the coming weeks.

Farmville “Out of Sync” Issues
Before we go ahead and wrap this podcast up, I just want to let you guys know that the Farmville developers have made some huge headway regarding the out of sync issues. About a week ago, we implemented a fix that has drastically reduced the number of users experiencing out of sync problems. Unfortunately we have not found a solution for everyone affected by this, but we are continuing to address this issue, and we hope to have a solution for you guys soon.

And that’s about it for this week. Thank you guys so much for listening. Next week’s podcast will be hosted by another member of the Farmville team, so I’ll see you guys in a couple weeks. Happy farming, everybody!

Farmville Fall-themed Welcome Screen

Farmville has recently added Fall-Themed Welcome Screen. It definitely features a beautiful farm with many yellow and red maple trees and other fall-themed items. Check this out:

You can also see the gorgeous farms ofWinners of the Halloween Decoration Contest by clicking on the link. I am sure that you will love them.

Farmville Cheat (100% Legal) to Earn "Pretty Garden Blue Ribbon" Quickly

Here I shall be sharing a small Farmville cheat which is 100% legal and is still working.
By using this Farmville cheat or Farmville glitch, you will be able to get the Farmville “Pretty Garden” Blue Ribbon in absolutely NO TIME. So follow the under-mentioned procedure to get the Blue ribbon and many XPs:-

  • Go to Farmville Market and buy a Garden Shed for 30,000 coins. Garden Shed consists of 10 flower bouquets and gives you 300 XPs for purchasing it.
  • Put these 10 flower bouquets on the farm.
  • Now simply SELL your Garden Shed.
  • Buy a new Garden Shed from Farmville Market and repeat the first three steps.
  • After repeating Steps 1-3 four more times, you will be left with 50 flower bouquets on your farm and you will get a “Pretty Garden Blue Ribbon”…………
  • …..But this is not all, you will get 1500 XPs for buying 5 Garden Sheds plus 250 XPs for the Blue Ribbon …………. apart from the XPs which you get for yellow, white and red ribbons. 🙂

 So you can get all this by spending 150,000 Coins in total.
You must be quick before the Farmville Developers fix this cool yet LEGAL Farmville cheat.

So get this beautiful scene in NO TIME:

From such a drastic view:

Click on the link to read more about Farmville Pretty Garden Ribbon

Farmville’s new ribbon – "King of Compost"

The second new ribbon released by Farmville on November 17′ 2009 was Farmville’s “King of Compost” ribbon. It can be attained by harvesting fertilized crops on your beloved farm.
You need to harvest 75 fertilized crops to get the Farmville’s “King of Compost” yellow ribbon.
The first ribbon released on the same day is: “Farmville’s Pretty Garden Ribbon”

Farmville’s Pretty Garden Ribbon

Two new ribbons have been added in Farmville for all of you.
The first one is the “Pretty Garden” ribbon which can be attained by placing your “Perfect Bunch” flower bouquets on your farms. You only need 5 bouquets to get the yellow ribbon where as you can get the blue ribbon for placing 50 bouquets.
The second ribbon is Farmville’s “King of Compost” ribbon. Read more about it at: Farmville King of Compost Ribbon.
Here is also a little Farmville glitch/ Farmville legal cheat which you can use to quickly attain the “Pretty Garden BLUE Ribbon”. Click on: Farmville Cheat to get “Pretty Garden BLUE Ribbon